Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rational Sunday School

Rational, humanist, critical thinking, freethinking ... use whatever adjectives you want. Demand for Sunday schools for the children of nonbelievers continues to grow.

This article in The Humanist magazine mentions examples of such Sunday schools in Portland (OR), Long Island (a shout out to our Ethical Culture friend Sharon Stanley!), Albuquerque, Palo Alto, Chicago (also an Ethical Culture group) and Harvard University. Add to these our own Sunday school at ECS/Bergen, as well as others within the Ethical Culture community, and you have a movement.

Ethical Culture Societies have been conducting Sunday schools for 130+ years. It's about time the rest of the world has caught on.


  1. For out society, it is one of the ways that new members find us. Having a Sunday School that doesn't teach one single point of view attracts people. The question is how do you find people that want it for their children but have no idea that you exist. Advertising is both expensive and not that effective. People do find us, though.

  2. Jeff: That's the challenge, getting the word out. It's all about the new media, meaning the internet. Website, blog, events calendars, Meetup, Craigslist. It's a pain to keep entering events all the time, but it seems to make a difference.
